The Quarantimes Daily News
Trump Supporters Getting “Tattoos for Trump”
BOSTON -- Father John Satyr of Barnum Bible College in upstate Massachusetts is sending out a red alert after discovering a quiet but growing trend among certain Trump supporters. Calling themselves Tees for Jesus, a small group of evangelicals in Southern Florida is getting tattoos in the shape of the Trump-trademarked letter T, like those that adorn many Trump properties and products.
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A Trump supporter, who wished to stay anonymous, demonstrates the faint tattoo that appears when illuminated by a thermal gun. |
“The interesting thing about these tattoos is that they are invisible to the naked eye,” said Fr. Satyr. He explained that the tattoos are applied with a special invisible ultraviolet sensitive ink, making them visible only when they are exposed to black or ultraviolet lights. “Similar to the way a person’s teeth seem to glow under black light conditions, these tattoos shine only when they are exposed to certain kinds of light,” he explained.
The reason for the tattoos is nearly as bizarre as the practice, says Satyr. “This trend first started among QAnon followers, who believe Trump is close to declaring martial law because of the novel coronavirus. After that, they expect the president will crack down on massive pedophile rings they think are being run by certain Democratic politicians and party leaders,” he explained. “It’s under martial law conditions when those getting the tattoos expect it will pay off.”
According to Fr. Satyr, the complex theory is being promoted on QAnon dark websites. It claims that the infrared thermal guns used by health care professionals to safely measure a person’s body temperature from a safe distance are, in reality, ultraviolet light guns which will cause these invisible tattoos to be revealed. “It will be a way of identifying them as true Trump supporters,” said Satyr.
Most of the Trump supporters are having the invisible tattoos inked on their foreheads, since that is the most common place for the infrared thermal guns to be used in actual field conditions. A few are having them applied on their forearms, and some women are even having them applied in more intimate areas of their anatomy.
“They believe that after President Trump declares martial law, only people who have these tattoos will be able to move freely,” said Satyr. “This will allow them to purchase food and other necessary items, while people without the tattoos will have their movements heavily restricted, and may later be arrested and moved to concentration camps which they believe the federal government has been secretly building in recent months.”
Father Satyr is a renowned expert on end-time religious beliefs, having spent the bulk of his career studying apocalyptic movements in the United States and around the world. He said he finds the practice of applying the invisible tattoos particularly shocking, and expressed his dismay at the convergence of religious apocalyptic beliefs with modern politics in the nascent Trump political party.
“If you ask most Christians, ‘who is the father of lies?’ they will quickly say it is Satan. But when one points out to these Trump supporters that the President is a well-known and publicly documented liar, they refuse to see the connection. It is as if their intellect on such matters is as invisible as the tattoos they are now having permanently affixed to their bodies.”
Asked whether he believed the tattoos are a fulfillment of Christian prophecies about the mark of the beast, Satyr shrugged.
“One thing I know about prophecies is that when they are fulfilled believers often don’t see it. We see this plainly in the tragic story of Jesus, who was not recognized as the Messiah by the Jewish people and religious leaders. Who is to say the same thing is not happening with President Trump? Perhaps he is the long-awaited anti-Christ, but these Christian evangelicals, blinded by their absolute religious certainties, simply do not see it. Or perhaps Trump is just another tin pot aspiring dictator, playing on the religious fears and fantasies of his followers. Either way, it seems like all the ingredients for brewing up a storm of misery and despair that will impact all of us.”
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