Saturday, February 24, 2018

Global Unrest

I know things that
I do not know how
I know

They are whispers
of wisdom
that echo in
my brain

They come from me
and yet they do not
begin in me

They are born out
of my experience
culled from my
knowledge and
my mind

They are a brain
chemistry solution
of fear love hope
and Apocalypse

They are echoes
of humanity’s
war torn history

I do not invite them

They form unbidden
in the darkness of my
collective unconsciousness

They speak to me
of global unrest
a whirlpool of
blood and violence

They are how I
recognize our
current state

They are how I know
what is about to
be unveiled

Would that I could
rid myself of their
dire warnings
and depressing

Instead I wait
and watch
as they unfurl
like the plot
of a too oft’ read

We are these days witness
to the self-fulfilling
prophecies of
hate and hurt
war and peace

Before the storm
passes we will
all be changed

1 comment:

viagrajakarta said...
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